Petites Annonces Gratuites - Annoncez gratuitement vos annonces classées au Quebec - France
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Annonce # 1459794344
Live a healthier, more active life with a simple but revolutionary 7-day program 17.00 CAD
(Offre - Commercial)
*** Prix fixe ***

Live a healthier, more active life
with a simple but revolutionary 7-day program

It is so difficult to live a healthy, and more active life these days. Especially without drastically reducing calories and losing lean muscle that keeps fat o ff in the first place! Besides, all of the so-called "healthy" foods that are full of chemicals are making it close to IMPOSSIBLE to drop weight!

Stress and life in general has gotten the best of you, so you've had to try some methods that may have not worked. You have

• Tried dieting with all the usual calorie restriction diets

• Tried juicing and eating more fruits

• Tried exercising more ... and they all left you with frustrating results, or may be the results came at first, but maintaining them was a different story!

Publiée le: 2016-04-04 14:25:45

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