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Annonce # 1492393955
Boldenone Undecylenate Raw Equipoise Liquid from 10.00 EUR
(Offre - Particulier)

Buy Boldenone Undecylenate Raw Liquid Online from Skype: Highroids
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Boldenone undecylenate Effects:
This is not intended to disparage the compound: it certainly can be put to good use in a steroid cycle. Its potency (effect per milligram) is comparable to most other injectable steroids, though less than that of trenbolone, and so for example addition of 400 mg/week is a substantial boost to most cycles. Alternately, if substituting boldenone for another injectable this can be done on a milligram-for-milligram basis.

Boldenone undecylenate Stacking:
Boldenone might be used in a couple of interesting ways, for example in combination with trenbolone to allow a lower dose of trenbolone while retaining similar anabolic effect and providing a needed amount of aromatizing steroid. It might also combined with Masteron or Primobolan, instead of testosterone, in self-prescribed HRT. The advantage would be reduced production of DHT. However, these uses have yet to be much explored.

Contact details(24/7 service):
Skype: Highroids
WhatsApp:+86 17722570182

Publiée le: 2017-04-16 21:52:35

Code Postale75015
Téléphone86 17722570182
Tél. Celluaire86 17722570182
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