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Annonce # 1492249266
Injectable Steroids Trenbolone Enanthate 200mg/ml Oil 10.00 EUR
(Offre - Particulier)

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Tren Enanthate Powder Cycle:
Trenbolone Enanthate has a lot of androgenic abilities. It gives you night sweats and reduces your ability to do cardio, which means that you shouldn’t use it if you need to perform cardio activities. When using Tren E, you can expect to experience sleepless nights, night sweats and wild dreams. Drink a lot of water when taking Tren E because it can make you lose a lot of water.

Tren Enanthate Powder Effects:
Trenbolone usually bonds to Androgen receptors, which explains how it is able to burn fat and build up muscles. Trenbolone Enanthate can produce a lot of muscle fibers. It increases the IGF-1 in the muscle tissues and also increases the DNA in each muscle cell. It also increases the sensitivity level of the muscle satellite in relation to IGF-1 growth. It enhances the ability of protein to synthesize and the ability of the muscles to retain water. It combines with the glucocorticoid receptor, which helps the muscles to grow.

Contact details(24/7 service):
Skype: Highroids
WhatsApp:+86 17722570182

Publiée le: 2017-04-15 05:41:06

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