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Annonce # 1492252089
Primobolan Depot 100mg/ml Oil for Bodybuilding 10.00 EUR
(Offre - Particulier)

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Methenolone Enanthate 100mg Stacks:
Primobolan presents an interesting situation with regard to stacking. Pharmacologically there is probably no difference in stacking behavior compared to Masteron, and certainly no important difference, but in practice those who wish to use Primobolan almost always are looking for mild stacking choices as well. For this reason, though Dianabol, Anadrol, or testosterone are effective stacking choices, they usually are not combined with Primobolan.

Methenolone Enanthate 100mg Dosage:
The half-life of methenolone enanthate is probably about 5 days. As a result, Primobolan is most effectively used when injected at least twice per week. At the 400 mg/week usage level, post-cycle therapy (PCT) may be started only 5 days after the last injection, whereas at a higher level of usage such as 1000 mg/week, at least 10 days will be needed until recovery is likely to become possible.

Contact details(24/7 service):
Skype: Highroids
WhatsApp:+86 17722570182

Publiée le: 2017-04-15 06:28:09

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