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Annonce # 1282324341
Apple iPhone 3G S (Speed) Quadband 3G HSDPA GPS Unlocked Phone (SIM Free) 300.00 EUR
(Offre - Particulier)

Apple iPhone 3G S, built-in 3 Megapixel Camera and digital compass, let you do everything on iPhone 3G S is up to 2x faster and more responsive than iPhone 3G. Shoot and edit a mini-masterpiece right on iPhone 3G S. Record high-quality video, trim it to the perfect length, and share it any way you want with 3G connection.

* 1 Apple iPhone 3G S Phone
* 1 Battery
* 1 Charger
* 1 Data Cable
* 1 Stereo Handsfree
* 1 User's Guide

Publiée le: 2010-08-20 13:12:21

Code Postale75201
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  camera   Nikon a vendre   Apple   Camera a vendre   Apple iPhone 3G S (Speed) Quadband 3G HSDPA GPS Unlocked Phone (SIM Free)   Camera Canon   Camera video

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