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Annonce # 1316216493
Citroen Triomphe/C-Quatre C4 factory oem radio car dvd player gps RDS CAV-8070CQ 0.00 CAD
(Acton Vale)
(Offre - Commercial)

Citroen Triomphe/C-Quatre C4 factory oem radio car dvd player gps RDS CAV-8070CQ

DVD GPS Navigation Special For CITROEN C4/C-Quatre/C-Triumph Car
7inch Digital Touch Screen, 800x480 High Definition
Build-in GPS, With Intelligent Voice Guide, Route plan, Advanced POI Management
Build-in Bluetooth with A2DP, HandFree set
Build-in AM/FM Radio, RDS Available
iPod connectivity (Available for iPod Series, iPhone Series, etc)
Original factory panel design, original harness and plug compatibility
Graphical user interface
USB Direct Control
SD Card Direct Control
Auto zoom function
Original Steer wheeling compatibility
4x45 Watt built-in power
2 RCA Preouts
1 AV Input,1 AV Output, 2 RCA Preouts
Built-in GPS Radio,RDS,Bluetooth,IPOD
MP3/MP4/Player, Photo Browser, Notebook
Realtime Clock, Calendar

Publiée le: 2011-09-16 19:41:33

Code Postale518102
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