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Annonce # 1298115720
Nikon D3s 12MP Digital SLR Camera 2000.00 EUR
(Offre - Particulier)
*** Prix négociable ! ***
Nikon D3S shoots approximately 9-frames-per-second high-speed continuous shooting in FX format and 11 fps in DX format, with a buffer twice the size of the D3's. These features, along with a 0.04-second shutter release time lag and improved AF accuracy work seamlessly for lightning-fast responses

Nikon D3s 12MP Digital SLR Camera Screen Protector With Installation

1 Nikon D3s DSLR Camera
* 1 EN-EL4a Battery Pack
* 1 MH-22 Battery Charger
* 1 UC-E4 Data Cable (USB)
* 1 EG-D2 AV Cable
* 1 AN-DC5 Strap
* 1 CD-ROM
* 1 BF-1B Body Cap
* 1 BS-2 Accessory Shoe Cover
* 1 DK-17 Eyepiece

Publiée le: 2011-02-19 06:42:00

Nom:albert moses
Code Postale75007
Tél. Celluaire
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  camera   Nikon a vendre      Camera a vendre    Nikon D3s 12MP Digital SLR Camera   Camera Canon   Camera video

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