Petites Annonces Gratuites - Annoncez gratuitement vos annonces classées au Quebec - France
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Annonce # 1478133804
Help the poor more seriously at 72h 10.00 CAD
(Offre - Particulier)

I am a particular who offers a loan of € 10,000 to € 950,000 for a 3% poucentage our interrêt and is done in very simple terms; we want competent people, serious one to whom we can put our trust. we also make investments and loans between especially all kinds .We offer short-term loans and long term. We do not know your uses and our transfers are provided by a bank for the security of the transaction. For all your requests proposals from the rates and payments of Staging and we will help. for more information contact me
Pranksters refrain !!!!! Pranksters refrain !!!!!

Publiée le: 2016-11-02 20:43:24

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