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Annonce # 1421827463
Dermastir Serum - Vitamin E 88.00 EUR
(Offre - Commercial)



10 glass ampoules

Vitamin E is such an important vitamin but so difficult to find in a pharmacy isolated in its pure form as is the case of Dermastir glass cosmetic ampoules. Dermastir Vitamin E Care contain pure concentrate of Vitamin E.

Environmental pollution, diet and lifestyle, stress and frequent travelling can all wreak havoc on the skin. Radiant complexions dull, dry, red patches appear, spots and blackheads rear their ugly heads. Air pollution and ozone can rob the skin of Vitamin E, causing a variety of skin problems.

What is Vitamin E?
Vitamin E is well known for its antioxidant capabilities. Antioxidants protect vital cell structures by neutralizing molecules called “free radicalsâ€. Free radicals are unstable molecules produced from sources like air pollution, radiation, and peroxides. Free radical damage can occur throughout the body’s several systems and ultimately lead to many diseases.

What does Vitamin E do?
Topical vitamin E has been shown to have a wide variety of skin benefits. Most importantly, Vitamin E is vital for the overall health and aesthetic beauty of the skin. Many studies have shown that vitamin E can help decrease the effects of psoriasis and has been shown to help reduce the appearance of stretch marks on the skin.

Add Dermastir Vitamin E Cosmetic Ampoules, by Alta Care Laboratoires, Paris, to your body lotion or night cream once every three days for the above mentioned benefits. Since the Dermastir Vitamin E ampoule is a concentrate it may be applied only once every three days since the ingredients remain present and active in the skin for up to 3 days.

Directions of use

Break the top of the skincare ampoule. Distribute the precious serum directly on the skin or mix in a cream or in a mask. Massage delicately on the interested areas until completely absorbed.

Normal Programme - Phase 1 : Apply one skincare ampoule every seven days for a month - Phase 2 : To consolidate the obtained results repeat phase 1.

Intensive Programme -Phase 1 : Apply one skincare ampoule every three days for a month - Phase 2 : To consolidate the obtained results repeat phase 1.

Warnings : Do not expose yourself to the sun. Avoid contact with eyes and in case rinse with water. The skincare ampoule tip must be broken by using a piece of cloth.

Publiée le: 2015-01-21 03:04:23

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