Petites Annonces Gratuites - Annoncez gratuitement vos annonces classées au Quebec - France
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Annonce # 1513951467
Loan offer between particular serious and honest 50.00 CAD
(Offre - Particulier)
*** Prix fixe ***
Hello. I present Mr Patrick Fayet I offer loans between individuals, without conflict or fraud, and only to people serious and able to repay me. I am in partnership with a few banks for you to facilitate your requests for financing and loans. I offer you the loan in 48 hours and without a protocol at a rate of 2%. Then you are in serious need of loan contacted me as of now. Em@il : I am a person very serious and I wish to pay only for serious people and trust. Write to me if you actually need a loan fast and without protocol. Once again here is the only mail where you can contact me
Em@il :
Thank you and good day has you

Publiée le: 2017-12-22 09:04:27

Code Postale31000
Tél. Celluaire0755166945
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